Verification Execution: When will we get it right?

Verification Execution: When will we get it right?
by Daniel Payne on 02-06-2014 at 7:50 pm

Verification technologist Hemendra Talesaraattended a conference in Austin and asked me to post this article on verification execution for him as a blog. I first met Hemendra when he worked at XtremeEDA, and now he works at Synapse Design Automation – a design services company.
“In theory there is no difference between … Read More

Verification Execution: When will we get it right?

Verification Execution: When will we get it right?
by Daniel Payne on 02-06-2014 at 7:50 pm

Verification technologist Hemendra Talesaraattended a conference in Austin and asked me to post this article on verification execution for him as a blog. I first met Hemendra when he worked at XtremeEDA, and now he works at Synapse Design Automation – a design services company.
“In theory there is no difference between … Read More