Securing PCIe Transaction Layer Packet (TLP) Transfers Against Digital Attacks

Securing PCIe Transaction Layer Packet (TLP) Transfers Against Digital Attacks
by Kalar Rajendiran on 06-01-2023 at 10:00 am

PCIe TLP Encryption

In the fast moving world of data communications, the appetite for high speed data transfers is accompanied by a growing need for data confidentiality and integrity. The wildly popular PCIe interface standard for connectivity has not only been increasing data transfer rates but has also introduced an Integrity and Data Encryption… Read More

The Heart of Trust in the Cloud. Hardware Security IP

The Heart of Trust in the Cloud. Hardware Security IP
by Bernard Murphy on 12-22-2020 at 6:00 am

The Heart of Trust in the Cloud

You might think that cloud services run on never-ending racks of servers and switches in giant datacenters. But what they really run on is trust. Trust that your data (or your client’s data) is absolutely tamper-proof inside that datacenter. Significantly more secure than it would be if you tried to manage the same operations in… Read More