Presto Engineering – Outsourced Secure Provisioning – Even Their Secrets Have Secrets

Presto Engineering – Outsourced Secure Provisioning – Even Their Secrets Have Secrets
by Mitch Heins on 10-05-2017 at 12:00 pm

When I first heard about Presto Engineering I was enamored by a statement on their web site that claimed that one of their secured solutions included, “The ability to incorporate your secrets without knowing them”. If Mr. Spock would have been in the room his eyebrow would have certainly raised. Indeed, what does that statement … Read More

Security Coprocessor Marks a New Approach to Provisioning for IoT Edge Devices

Security Coprocessor Marks a New Approach to Provisioning for IoT Edge Devices
by Majeed Ahmad on 11-20-2015 at 12:00 pm

The advent of security coprocessor that offloads the provisioning task from the main MCU or MPU is bringing new possibilities for the Internet of Things (IoT) product developers to secure the edge device at lower cost and power points regardless of the scale.

Hardware engineers often like to say that there is now such thing as software… Read More