Configurable Processors. The Why and How

Configurable Processors. The Why and How
by Bernard Murphy on 11-16-2022 at 6:00 am

ARC Configurability min

Configurable processors are hot now, in no small part thanks to RISC-V. Which is an ISA rather than a processor, but let’s not quibble. Arm followed with configurability in Cortex-X. Both were considerably preceded (a couple of decades) by Synopsys ARC® RISC CPUs and CEVA DSPs. Each stressed configurability as a differentiator… Read More

Securing embedded SIMs

Securing embedded SIMs
by Bernard Murphy on 02-20-2018 at 6:00 am

If you have a phone, you probably know it has a SIM card, for most of us the anchor that ties us into a 2/3-year plan with one network provider, unless you have an unlocked phone. Even then, you have to mess around swapping SIM cards if you travel overseas. Wouldn’t it be nice if the SIM was embedded and could be switched though an app or an… Read More