RFIC Design Challenges at #50DAC

RFIC Design Challenges at #50DAC
by Daniel Nenni on 05-31-2013 at 8:00 pm

RFIC developers used to favor mature silicon processes, typically staying back a couple of nodes behind the leading edge. This bought foundries time for ‘RF-enabling’ their PDKs, and also maximized return on investment for developing RF models and infrastructure IP. Not the case any more, it seems. To address the insatiable Read More

Agilent ADS Integrated with ClioSoft

Agilent ADS Integrated with ClioSoft
by Paul McLellan on 05-07-2013 at 4:00 am

I talked to Greg Peterschmidt of Agilent today about their integration of Advanced Design System (ADS) with ClioSoft’s SOS Design Data Management that was announced today. The integrated product is known as SOS viaADS. Greg is the ADS Product Planning Manager.

ADS is the market leader for design of very high frequency stuff… Read More