The Zen of Auto Safety – a Path to Enlightenment

The Zen of Auto Safety – a Path to Enlightenment
by Bernard Murphy on 07-07-2021 at 6:00 am

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Safety is a complex topic, but we’re busy. We take the course, get the certificate. Check, along with a million other things we need to do. But maybe it’s not quite that simple. I talked recently with Kurt Shuler (VP of marketing) and Stefano Lorenzini (functional safety manager) at Arteris IP and concluded that finding enlightenment… Read More

Optimize Your Interconnect & Design at System Level for Best Results

Optimize Your Interconnect & Design at System Level for Best Results
by Pawan Fangaria on 09-16-2014 at 7:00 am

As the SoC design size, complexity and functionality keeps on increasing with multiple IPs packed together and design time and time-to-market keeps on decreasing amid critical constraints on PPA, there is no other alternative than to do the design first-time-right not to miss the window of opportunity. And that could be possible… Read More