Reset Domain Crossing (RDC) Challenges

Reset Domain Crossing (RDC) Challenges
by Daniel Payne on 12-18-2024 at 10:00 am

Origin of reset trees

In the early days an IC had a single clock and a single reset signal, making it a simple matter to reset the chip into a known, stable state, so there was little need for detailed analysis. For modern designs there can be dozens to hundreds of clocks, creating separate domains and some use of asynchronous resets, so the challenge of ensuring… Read More

Automotive SoCs Need Reset Domain Crossing Checks

Automotive SoCs Need Reset Domain Crossing Checks
by Tom Simon on 01-19-2021 at 6:00 am

reset domain crossing verification

When the number of clock domain crossings (CDCs) in SoCs proliferated it readily became apparent that traditional verification methods were not well suited to ensuring that they were properly handled in the design. This led to the creation of new methods and tools to check for correct interfaces between domains. Now, in automotive… Read More