AMIQ EDA Integrated Development Environment #61DAC

AMIQ EDA Integrated Development Environment #61DAC
by Daniel Payne on 07-29-2024 at 10:00 am


I stopped by the AMIQ EDA booth at DAC to get an update from Tom Anderson about their Integrated Development Environment (IDE), aimed at helping design and verification engineers save time. In my early IC design days we used either vi or emacs and were happy with having a somewhat smart text editor. With an IDE you get a whole new way … Read More

Next Generation Formal Technology to Boost Verification

Next Generation Formal Technology to Boost Verification
by Pawan Fangaria on 06-08-2015 at 12:00 pm

With growing complexities and sizes of SoCs, verification has become a key challenge for design closure. There isn’t a single methodology that can provide complete verification closure for an SoC. Moreover creation of verification environment including hardware, software, testbench and testcases requires significant … Read More

A Comprehensive Automated Assertion Based Verification

A Comprehensive Automated Assertion Based Verification
by Pawan Fangaria on 02-13-2015 at 4:00 pm

Using an assertion is a sure shot method to detect an error at its source, which may be buried deep within a design. It does not depend on a test bench or checker, and can fire automatically as soon as a violation occurs. However, writing assertions manually is very difficult and time consuming. To do so require deep design and coding… Read More

Improving Verification by Combining Emulation with ABV

Improving Verification by Combining Emulation with ABV
by Tom Simon on 10-30-2014 at 4:00 pm

Chip deadlines and the time to achieve sufficient verification coverage run continuously in a tight loop like a dog chasing its tail. Naturally it is exciting when innovative technologies can be combined so that verification can gain an advantage. Software based design simulators have been the mainstay of verification methodologies.… Read More

How many languages an Engineer should speak?

How many languages an Engineer should speak?
by ahmed.shahein on 06-08-2012 at 9:37 am

I speak VHDL and SystemC, others speak Verilog and SystemVerilog … what do you speak?

Before getting into the core of the topic let me give you some round figures, engineers love numbers. Julian Lonsdale “European Sales Manager at Aldec” informed me at the Xfest Munich last month that Aldec carried out a survey to evaluate the usage… Read More