Webinar: Electrical Rules Checking – How to Reduce Thousands of False Errors in 15 Minutes Using OneCheck Smart Clustering

Webinar: Electrical Rules Checking – How to Reduce Thousands of False Errors in 15 Minutes Using OneCheck Smart Clustering
by Admin on 06-03-2024 at 8:48 pm

Analyzing electrical errors across an IP or a SoC at top level, can be a painful and long process, often requiring extensive setup time and hundred of hours to distinguish real issues from false positives.

To address this challenge, Aniah developed OneCheck, a formal analysis tool capable of detecting 100% of electrical errors… Read More

Electrical Rule Checking and Exhaustive Classification of Errors

Electrical Rule Checking and Exhaustive Classification of Errors
by Daniel Payne on 04-16-2024 at 10:00 am

Aniah tool flow min

The goal of SoC design teams is to tape-out their project and receive working silicon on the first try, without discovering any bugs in silicon. To achieve this lofty goal requires all types of specialized checking and verification during the design phase to prevent bugs. There are checks at the system level, RTL level, gate level,… Read More