Siemens Provides a Complete 3D IC Solution with Innovator3D IC

Siemens Provides a Complete 3D IC Solution with Innovator3D IC
by Mike Gianfagna on 06-27-2024 at 6:00 am

Siemens Provides a Complete 3D IC Solution with Innovator3D IC

Heterogeneous multi-die integration is gaining more momentum all the time. The limited roadmap offered by Moore’s Law monolithic, single-die integration has opened the door to a new era of more-than-Moore heterogeneous integration. The prospects offered by this new design paradigm are exciting and the entire ecosystem is… Read More

Tools for Advanced Packaging Design Follow Moore’s Law, Too!

Tools for Advanced Packaging Design Follow Moore’s Law, Too!
by Tom Dillinger on 06-05-2017 at 9:00 am

There is an emerging set of advanced packaging technologies that enables unique product designs, with the capability to integrate multiple die, from potentially heterogeneous technologies. These “system-in-package” (SiP) offerings provide architects with the opportunity to optimize product performance, power, cost,… Read More