Why IP Designers Don’t Like Surprises!

Why IP Designers Don’t Like Surprises!
by Daniel Nenni on 03-13-2020 at 6:00 am

IPDelta SemiWiki

If it’s your job to get a SoC design through synthesis, timing/power closure and final verification, the last thing you need are surprises in new versions of the IP blocks that are integrated into the design. If your IP supplier sends a new version, the best possible scenario is that this is only a small incremental change from… Read More

Early IP Block Error Detection is Critical!

Early IP Block Error Detection is Critical!
by Daniel Nenni on 07-08-2019 at 10:00 am

The rising complexity of modern SoC designs, as enabled by progressing manufacturing technology, leads to an increasing validation challenge as the only way to manage complexity increase is by re-using more pre-designed IP blocks. These IP-blocks are provided by various suppliers such as a foundry partner, internal design… Read More