Walden Rhines on the Automotive Electronics Landscape

Walden Rhines on the Automotive Electronics Landscape
by Roger C. Lanctot on 09-23-2017 at 8:00 am

Mentor President and CEO Walden Rhines gave a comprehensive overview of the automotive electronics landscape at the Mentor Integrated Electrical Solutions Forum (IESF) in Plymouth, Mich., this week. A key focal point of Rhines’ comments was the twin industry disruptors: EVs and AVs.

A Texas Instruments alum, Rhines described… Read More

Let’s Drive To Dearborn on 19th Sep….

Let’s Drive To Dearborn on 19th Sep….
by Pawan Fangaria on 08-15-2013 at 11:00 am

[The VLC developed by Edison2, winner of the Progressive Automotive X-Prize]

Now that we have “The Very Light Car” of the world at more than 100 MPG!! Yes, this is the car developed by Edison2, one among the three winners of the Progressive Insurance Automotive X-Prize, a global competition; Edison2 won in the main stream class. … Read More