Keysight EDA Connect World Tour

Keysight EDA Connect World Tour
by Daniel Payne on 01-08-2024 at 6:00 am

RF System Explorer min

Video webinars are a main staple to learn what’s new about EDA tools and methodologies, but there’s nothing quite like meeting in person, where you can ask questions and gauge the expertise of the presenters. I was delighted to learn that Keysight is planning a literal world tour to update EDA customers and prospects on what they … Read More

Analog Design Acceleration for Chiplet Interface IP

Analog Design Acceleration for Chiplet Interface IP
by Tom Simon on 03-24-2022 at 10:00 am

Analog Generators Boost Designer Productivity

Compared to the automation of digital design, the development of automation for analog has taken a much more arduous path. Over the decades there have been many projects both academic and commercial to accelerate and improve the process for analog design. One of the most interesting efforts in this area is being spearheaded by … Read More

Accelerate Modern PCB Design and Manufacturing

Accelerate Modern PCB Design and Manufacturing
by Pawan Fangaria on 05-24-2015 at 12:00 pm

In modern electronic industry PCBs are required to accommodate highly dense circuits with large number of components and complex routing spaces. While the complexity is increasing, the time-to-market is decreasing. In such a scenario, there is no other option than to reduce the design time by employing innovative editing options… Read More