Webinar: Chip-Level Electromagnetic Crosstalk Signoff Using EMX Solver

Webinar: Chip-Level Electromagnetic Crosstalk Signoff Using EMX Solver
by Admin on 06-21-2024 at 2:55 pm


Today’s wireless and high-speed chip designs integrate an incredible amount of functionality on very small silicon real estate. Such integration requires optimization from the early stages of the design to post-layout vs. schematic (LVS) signoff. Increasingly complex designs and advanced process nodes test… Read More

Getting to 56G Takes The Right Stuff

Getting to 56G Takes The Right Stuff
by Tom Simon on 02-04-2019 at 12:00 pm

During the 1940s when aerospace engineers were attempting to break the sound barrier for the first time, they were confronting a slew of new technical issues that had never been dealt with before, and in some cases never seen before. In subsonic flight airflow was predictable and well understood. In crossing the sound barrier, … Read More

Electronic Thermal Management through Icepak

Electronic Thermal Management through Icepak
by Pawan Fangaria on 08-03-2014 at 8:30 pm

Last week my daughter was playing some games on my Google Nexus smartphone for a while when one of my friends called. When I picked up the phone, I couldn’t imagine it was so hot. There is no doubt; every electronic device today emits an order of magnitude higher heat than what it used to at most a decade ago. There is so much emphasis on … Read More