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The PQShield team helped define the new PQC (post-quantum cryptography) standards that will be used to replace current encryption that is vulnerable to attack by quantum computers. Now, we work with international blue-chip organizations, disruptive scale-ups, and national… Read More
There is never a dearth of new terms, discoveries and inventions in the technological world. And sometimes existing terms get reinvigorated. And debates ensue. The debaters argue about the plusses and minuses and make some predictions. Such is the case with “Quantum Computing.” I recently watched and listened to a webinar that… Read More
V2X stands for Vehicle to Everything and to be specific, V2X technology connects vehicles to other vehicles (V2V), infrastructure (V2I), motorcycles (V2M) and pedestrians (V2P) within wireless range for safety and mobility applications. If you consider that the US Department of transportation (USDOT) is expected to publish… Read More