STOP Writing RTL for Registers

STOP Writing RTL for Registers
by Steve Walters on 10-17-2022 at 6:00 am

Semifore EDA Software

After almost three decades in the EDA business, it is beyond my comprehension to understand why chip designers still hand-write RTL for complex register maps – chip designs with hundreds of registers and thousands of register fields.  In today’s silicon world where software is the key to chip-based product success, it is the register… Read More

The Silent Revolution is Underway, and Semifore is at its Epicenter

The Silent Revolution is Underway, and Semifore is at its Epicenter
by Mike Gianfagna on 07-21-2022 at 10:00 am

The Silent Revolution is Underway and Semifore is at its Epicenter

There is a major shift in innovation occurring all around us. We see the results every day.  We can interact with them in an easier, more intuitive way. They deliver insights about our health and our daily habits. All this can be categorized as a move towards Smart Everything – ubiquitous machine-assisted intelligence for the good… Read More