Webinar – CHERI: Fine-Grained Memory Protection to Prevent Cyber Attacks

Webinar – CHERI: Fine-Grained Memory Protection to Prevent Cyber Attacks
by Mike Gianfagna on 05-27-2024 at 6:00 am

Webinar – CHERI Fine Grained Memory Protection to Prevent Cyber Attacks

Cyber attacks are top of mind for just about everyone these days. As massive AI data sets become more prevalent (and more valuable), data security is no longer “nice to have”. Rather, it becomes critical for continued online operation and success. The AI discussion is a double-edged sword as well. While AI enables many new and life-changing… Read More

An open letter regarding Cyber Resilience of the UK’s Critical National Infrastructure

An open letter regarding Cyber Resilience of the UK’s Critical National Infrastructure
by admin on 05-20-2024 at 10:00 am

Codasip UK Security Letter 1

Codasip announced a commercially available RISC-V processor with CHERI for license in October of 2023 and is demonstrating technology for IP provenance. 

Dear Members of the Science, Innovation and Technology Committee,

Let me start by applauding your hearing on 24 April 2024, and in particular the evidence of Professor John… Read More

Webinar: Fine-grained Memory Protection to Prevent RISC-V Cyber Attacks

Webinar: Fine-grained Memory Protection to Prevent RISC-V Cyber Attacks
by Daniel Nenni on 05-10-2024 at 8:00 am

EW Award 24 Logo winner safety Security coloured RGB 300dpi 960x117

Most organizations are aware of cybercrime attempts such as phishing, installing malware from dodgy websites or ransomware attacks and undertake countermeasures. However, relatively little attention has been given to memory safety vulnerabilities such as buffer overflows or over-reads. For decades, the industry has created… Read More

How Codasip Unleashed CHERI and Created a Paradigm Shift for Secured Innovation

How Codasip Unleashed CHERI and Created a Paradigm Shift for Secured Innovation
by Mike Gianfagna on 01-15-2024 at 6:00 am

How Codasip Unleashed CHERI and Created a Paradigm Shift for Secured Innovation

At the recent RISC-V Summit, Dr. Ron Black, CEO of Codasip unveiled a significant new capability to create a more secure environment for innovation. Rather than re-writing trillions of lines of code to solve the security problem, Ron described a much more practical approach. One that brought a research topic into mainstream deployment.… Read More