IoT Tutorial: Chapter7 – IoT data and IoT-BigData Convergence

IoT Tutorial: Chapter7 – IoT data and IoT-BigData Convergence
by John Soldatos on 07-06-2016 at 12:00 pm

Introduction to IoT Data and their Characteristics
Most IoT applications up to date involve the collection and processing of IoT data i.e. data stemming from IoT sources such as sensors, wearables and other internet connected devices. In the majority of cases the business benefits of an IoT application stem from the processing… Read More

IoT Tutorial: Chapter 6 – IoT at the Edge

IoT Tutorial: Chapter 6 – IoT at the Edge
by John Soldatos on 07-03-2016 at 4:00 pm

IoT and the Edge Computing Paradigm – Why Edge Computing? In previous chapters we illustrated how cloud computing enables nowadays IoT applications to benefit from its capacity, scalability, elasticity and pay-as-you-go nature. During recent years a number of IoT/cloud deployments have demonstrated the merits of integrating… Read More