Assembly Automation. Repair or Replace?

Assembly Automation. Repair or Replace?
by Bernard Murphy on 04-25-2022 at 6:00 am

Arteris SoC Integration 8000x4500 20210421 1

It is difficult to imagine an SoC development team not using some form of automation to assemble their SoCs; the sheer complexity of the assembly task for modern designs is already far beyond hand-crafted top-level RTLs. An increasing number of groups have already opted for solutions based on the IP-XACT integration standard.… Read More

An Ah-Ha Moment for Testbench Assembly

An Ah-Ha Moment for Testbench Assembly
by Bernard Murphy on 02-28-2022 at 10:00 am

Forest Trees min

Sometimes we miss the forest for the trees, and I’m as guilty as anyone else. When we think testbenches, we rightly turn to UVM because that’s the agreed standard, and everyone has been investing their energy in learning UVM. UVM is fine, so why do we need to talk about anything different? That’s the forest and trees thing. We don’t … Read More

Virtual Prototyping With Connection to Assembly

Virtual Prototyping With Connection to Assembly
by Bernard Murphy on 08-31-2017 at 7:00 am

Virtual prototyping has become popular both as a way to accelerate software development and to establish a contract between system/software development teams and hardware development and verification. System companies with their tight vertical integration lean naturally to executable contracts to streamline communication… Read More