Weebit Nano is at the Epicenter of the ReRAM Revolution

Weebit Nano is at the Epicenter of the ReRAM Revolution
by Mike Gianfagna on 08-20-2024 at 6:00 am

Weebit Nano is at the Epicenter of the ReRAM Revolution

It’s well known that flash is the embedded non-volatile memory (NVM) incumbent technology. As with many technologies, flash is bumping into limits such as power consumption, speed, endurance and cost. It is also not scalable below 28nm. This presents problems for applications such as AI inference engines that require embedded… Read More

Emerging Memories Overview

Emerging Memories Overview
by Daniel Nenni on 08-15-2024 at 10:00 am

ReRAM History 2024

This year’s Future of Memory and Storage Conference (formerly the Flash Memory Summit) was again very well attended. The Santa Clara Convention Center is definitely the place to be for a Silicon Valley Conference.

This post is about the Emerging Memories session organized by Dave Eggleston. We will be covering other sessions… Read More