Expanding 3D EM Simulation Access to All

Expanding 3D EM Simulation Access to All
by Tom Dillinger on 02-03-2016 at 7:00 am

James Clerk Maxwell’s eponymous equations are the basis for simulating electromagnetic wave propagation. In school, EE majors tended to fall into two camps: (a) those that thoroughly enjoyed their fields and waves classes, who liked doing surface integrals, and who were adept at demonstrating the “right hand rule”, and (b) … Read More

Solution for PI, TI & SI Issues in 3D-ICs

Solution for PI, TI & SI Issues in 3D-ICs
by Pawan Fangaria on 11-30-2014 at 7:00 pm

As we move towards packing more and more functionalities and increasing densities of SoCs, the power, thermal and signal integrity issues keep on rising. 3D-IC is a great concept to stack multiple dies on top of each other vertically. While it brings lot of avenues to package dies with multiple functions together, it has challenges… Read More