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Thesis (Bachelor/Master): Cycle time analysis and algorithm-based deviation detection in linked, fully automatic assembly lines

Thesis (Bachelor/Master): Cycle time analysis and algorithm-based deviation detection in linked, fully automatic assembly lines
by Admin on 03-10-2023 at 8:44 am

Website Siemens EDA

How about: Do you want to find the smartest solution side by side with professionals and experts? Then complete your bachelor’s or master’s thesis with us! We help you to bundle knowledge, to illuminate connections, to formulate theses. With us you will gain insights into a wide range of areas and processes. An opportunity like no other to break new ground in the future of electrification, automation, and digitization. Grab them now!

Change the world of tomorrow with us.

  • The thesis includes both the processing of the theoretical basics (research / research) and the development of prototypes.
  • A bottleneck analysis is required to identify the main areas for optimization in systems with many processing stations.
  • Cycle times provide an important input here. However, when processing the data quality and quantity, problems arise regarding their reliability and performance.
  • Therefore, new visualizations and key figures as well as various algorithms for the detection of relevant deviations are required for the analysis of cycle times.
  • As a result of the work, we expect a concept for achieving a data quality of ≥ 99.9%. Various algorithms for data compression and detection of relevant deviations were also developed and piloted.
  • The data should be compressed without loss of information using statistical methods outside of the well-known Six Sigma methods.

We’re not looking for superheroes. But super bright heads.

  • You are currently studying successfully in a MINT-related course (e.g. computer science, electrical engineering, …)
  • You will quickly find your way around the new technology, with new products and systems arousing your interest, especially in the field of digitization
  • You have already worked with data during your studies, for example by calculating key figures and preparing evaluations
  • You know the requirements of series production and have an eye for productivity
  • Ideally, you are an expert in Office tools, especially Excel, and have basic knowledge of BI tools
  • We can rely on your very good knowledge of spoken and written German
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