800x100 Webinar (1)

SWAT Specialist

SWAT Specialist
by Admin on 08-29-2023 at 11:16 am

Job Summary:

  • Development, enhancement, and maintenance of new / existing tools that are built on top of the HW platform.
  • Modular design of tools for maximum performance, efficiency, and reusability.
  • Work closely with core Development and PM teams to propose any new APIs, functionality, fixes, etc needed for efficient design of above tools.
  • Collaborate with different teams to develop, enhance, and standardize processes and methods.
  • Meet with customers (with a focus on Eastern Europe Region) to demo / showcase latest HW features, tools and workflows.

What You Will Do:

  • Develop automation to reduce manual, repetitive and time-consuming tasks, and processes.
  • Ensure that the tools and workflows we develop are consistent across different products, while also adhering to the latest UI/UX guidelines.
  • Regular interaction with PMs to ensure that tasks and projects are on track – in terms of both functionality and schedule.
  • Coordinate development efforts with other team members to ensure reusability of functions and modules.
  • Root cause analysis of issues, automation problems, etc. including the preparation of reports to development and project management teams as needed.
  • Resolve queries related to product use cases from customers and support teams.
  • Show case the usage of our tools to customers.
  • Development of custom tools using HyperWorks API / framework.

What You Will Need:


  • Experience in the usage of scripting languages such as Tcl/Tk, Python
  • Experience in Driving the Development and Maintenance of Custom Automation Solutions
  • Industry experience in using commercial FEM solvers for analysis and design


  • Good knowledge of HW Products
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