IC Analog IC Layout 800x100

Executive Assistant

Executive Assistant
by Admin on 03-13-2023 at 2:38 pm

Website Soitec

Soitec is a company listed in the SBF 120 index which operates upstream of the microelectronics value chain. Our innovative semiconductor materials are essential to the functioning of smartphones and the deployment of 5G. They also offer many opportunities for connected cars, electric and autonomous vehicles and embedded intelligence in connected objects. 

This place gives us an incredible responsibility, which inspires us on a daily basis: to make possible the mass adoption of technological innovations while considerably limiting their environmental impact, in a logic of responsible innovation and sustainable development.

What does the job consist?

In the context of an international and rapidly growing company, the challenges of our management team are numerous and we are looking for a person to assist our Director of Innovation. 

Your main responsibility will be to manage the agenda of our CTO with the objective of optimizing the organization of his appointments and business trips (visits to customers, suppliers or even participation in various trade fairs and conferences) in France and abroad. foreign. To do this, you will be required to interact regularly with its external contacts, its internal interfaces as well as its team and to get involved if necessary in certain specific high-impact projects. 

In addition to traditional administrative support such as expense report management or budget management, you will also be required to organize internal events such as team meetings or seminars. 

In support of the entire innovation management team, you contribute to the development of presentations for internal or external use to “market” and promote Soitec’s technological innovation, in line with the Group’s corporate messages. . 

Finally, you contribute to setting up and maintaining the management of our sensitive data within the department, with the support of internal teams, with the aim of guaranteeing the integrity and confidentiality of information. 

As you will have understood, this position requires qualities of facilitator, communication and responsiveness!

Requirements & qualifications

With a Bac+5 training in the field of organizational management, you have at least 5 years’ experience as an assistant in an international environment with members of the management committee.

You are recognized for your sense of service, your organization and your agility in juggling different time zones and arbitrating priorities. Y ou have traveled internationally, personally or professionally, and understand the constraints of intercontinental travel.

You master the IT tools necessary for your function (Pack Office, Google Suite) and are recognized for your rigor in data management. 

In our very changing environment, you demonstrate adaptability and responsiveness. You have interpersonal skills and a great sense of confidentiality. The quality of your oral and written expression (in French and in English) allows you to guarantee an excellent level of communication and to convey the image of the company to external interlocutors.

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