Webinar: Establish a truly end-to-end digital thread in Automotive through to E/E & software design


Summary The most advanced and successful Automotive manufacturers rely on model-based systems engineering in their journeys towards software defined vehicles. Model-based engineering (MBE) facilitates the digital thread by linking designs to stakeholder and system requirements, enabling seamless trace chains. MBE is the foundation for a common systems model, connecting stakeholders and domains. Join us for …

Webinar: SimAI for Electromagnetics: Accelerating Electronics Components Design


This webinar showcases the workflow of using Ansys Maxwell, HFSS, and Ansys SimAI for electromagnetic field training and prediction. This combination transforms the design and analysis of electromagnetic components by reducing the field prediction time by tens to hundreds of times. Time: June 11, 2024 10 AM EDT Venue: Virtual Overview Electromagnetic devices are everywhere …

Webinar: Develop High-Efficiency Electric Vehicle Powertrains with Ansys ConceptEV


Ansys ConceptEV is a new innovative cloud-based design and simulation platform for the design of EV powertrains. Engineers can collaborate on a shared system simulation connected to requirements from the start of the design process. Don't miss this upcoming webinar. TIME: JUNE 11, 2024 11 AM EDT / 5 PM CEST Venue: Virtual Overview Ansys …

Webinar: ISO26262 Functional Safety Software Workshop for the Automotive Value Chain


We are holding a FREE virtual workshop course for automotive OEM, suppliers and semiconductor industry professionals who want to better understand the software solutions available to help them comply with ISO26262 when going from chip to vehicle system. TIME: JUNE 11, 2024 10 AM EDT - 4 PM EDT Venue: Virtual Overview This course will …

Webinar: Unlock Sustainability: Harness Simulations in Semiconductor and High-Tech Manufacturing


Ansys Semiconductor Manufacturing Webinar Series: Part 3 of 3. Join us on Thursday, June 13th for an in-depth discussion on addressing sustainability challenges in complex manufacturing processes. Learn more about the webinar series! TIME: THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 2024 11 AM EASTERN TIME Venue: Virtual Overview Semiconductor manufacturing has significant environmental impacts due to the intensive consumption …