Masterclass: Deploying Solido Design Environment AI Workflows on AWS


Utilizing AWS cloud resources to accelerate variation-aware verification   AI-powered Solido Design Environment provides SPICE-accurate variation-aware verification for 3, 4, 5, 6 and higher sigma targets, orders of magnitude faster than traditional brute-force methods. With cloud computing made more accessible than before, many teams are considering running design and verification workloads, including Solido Design Environment, on …

CadenceCONNECT: Tech Days Europe 2024 – Dresden

Hilton Dresden Hotel An der Frauenkirche 5 D, Dresden, Germany

Date: Tuesday, May 14, 2024 Venue: Hilton Dresden Location: An der Frauenkirche 5, 01067 Dresden, Germany Parking: There is parking at the hotel with a charge of €28 per day. You will receive further information in your registration confirmation email. Analog, RF, and Mixed-Signal IC Design Learn how the latest developments within Virtuoso Studio and Spectre platforms can significantly …

DVCon Japan 2024

Shinagawa, Tokyo, Japan Shinagawa, Tokyo, Japan

The Design & Verification Conference & Exhibition is the premier conference on the application of languages, tools, methodologies, and standards for the design and verification of electronic systems and integrated …