RISC-V based MYTH Workshop

Workshop Day wise Content :

Day 1 : Introduction to RISC-V ISA and GNU compiler toolchain

Introduction to RISC-V basic keywords
Labwork for RISC-V software toolchain
Integer number representation
Signed and unsigned arithmetic operations
Day 2: Introduction to ABI and basic verification flow
Application Binary interface (ABI)
Lab work using ABI function calls
Basic verification flow using iverilog
Day 3: Digital Logic with TL-Verilog and Makerchip

Combinational logic in TL-Verilog using Makerchip
Sequential and pipelined logic
Day 4: Basic RISC-V CPU micro-architecture

Microarchitecture and testbench for a simple RISC-V CPU
Fetch, decode, and execute logic
RISC-V control logic
Day 5: Complete Pipelined RISC-V CPU micro-architecture/store

Pipelining the CPU
Load and store instructions and memory
Completing the RISC-V CPU
Wrap-up and future opportunities


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A beginner level 5-day workshop on “RISC-V based MYTH”  (24hrs x 5days on VSD-IAT platform)


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