One of the early adopters of USB Type-C and USB Power Delivery is Google for their Chromium projects. More interestingly Google shared the complete design of the USB Type-C products in public domain right from schematic to source code of the solutions. This article explores how to use USB C-Thru board to explore Google’s designs… Read More
Author: Rajaram Regupathy
Explore Google Chromium USB Type-C example designs using GoArks USB – C Thru
Exploring USB Type-C DRP to USB Type-C DFP connection using USB C-Thru
In a USB Type-C environment configuration process between a DRP and a DFP is as follows:
- DRP to DFP attach/detach detection
- Plug orientation detection
- Initial DRP to DFP and power relationship detection
- USB Type-C VBus current detection and usage
USB Type-C opens doors for embedded system connectivity
Every now and then there is an innovation or advancement that changes the way we operate, the way the world operates. These innovations and advancements in technology creates opportunities for the businesses and provides improved features to the consumers. They are also widely and swiftly adopted. USB Type-C is one such technology… Read More
Migrating legacy USB Stack to USB Type-C platforms
There is a great deal of buzz around the new USB Type-C connector and its power delivery specifications. Industry leaders like Intel, Google, and Apple are leading the way by integrating this new connector into products like MacBook and Chromebook. The new connector will soon find its way into smartphones and many other types of… Read More
The Intel Common Platform Foundry Alliance