The (not so) Easy Life of an SOC Design Integrator

The (not so) Easy Life of an SOC Design Integrator
by Tom Simon on 02-16-2016 at 3:00 pm

How can large SOC projects effectively integrate sub blocks and IP into a stable version for release or internal development? The person responsible for integrating SOC sub blocks into a validated configuration for release has a difficult task. Usually there are many sub-blocks, each undergoing their own development. There… Read More

EM Solver and Visualization Essential for Device Design

EM Solver and Visualization Essential for Device Design
by Daniel Nenni on 10-22-2013 at 5:00 pm

In many designs, an on chip inductor is created as though it were simply a device with an L and a Q value. Of course this view would seem to make life simpler for designers and the tools they use. But in reality even a simple inductor is really a complex compound structure with many electromagnetic elements interacting in complex ways.… Read More

TSMC Threater Presentation: Lorentz Solution!

TSMC Threater Presentation: Lorentz Solution!
by Daniel Nenni on 06-26-2012 at 8:30 pm

Lorentz Solution presented at TSMC’s DAC 2012 Open Innovation Platform Theater. The presenter was Lorentz Sales Director, Tom Simon. He presented what Lorentz calls its Electromagnetic Design and Analysis Platform. One of the main points of the talk was the cooperative work that Lorentz does with TSMC.

TSMC and Lorentz work … Read More