Solido Saves Silicon with Six Sigma Simulation

Solido Saves Silicon with Six Sigma Simulation
by Tom Simon on 08-16-2016 at 4:00 pm

When pushing the boundaries of power and performance in leading edge memory designs, yield is always an issue. The only way to ensure that memory chips will yield is through aggressive simulation, especially at process corners to predict the effects of variation. In a recent video posted on the Solido website, John Barth of Invecas… Read More

High-Sigma Standard Cell Optimization!

High-Sigma Standard Cell Optimization!
by Daniel Nenni on 10-03-2013 at 11:00 am

Standard cell optimization is an important problem, because the speed, power, and area of cells has a direct impact speed, power, and area of the whole chip. Typically, standard cell optimization been done with simple in-house local-optimizer scripts. However, these optimizers have had several flaws: they don’t properly capture… Read More