Noise, The Need for Speed, and Machine Learning

Noise, The Need for Speed, and Machine Learning
by Riko Radojcic on 05-08-2017 at 7:00 am

Technology trends make the concerns with electronic noise a primary constraint that impacts many mainstream products, driving the need for “Design-for-Noise” practices. That is, scaling, and the associated reduction in the device operating voltage and current, in effect magnifies the relative importance of non-scalableRead More

Join the Multi-die IC session on April 21 at EDPS 2016 in Monterey, CA

Join the Multi-die IC session on April 21 at EDPS 2016 in Monterey, CA
by Herb Reiter on 04-14-2016 at 12:00 pm

Following Moore’s Law down to 10 or even 7 nm labeled feature size demands US $ hundreds of millions of up-front investment, a very large design team and two or more years of development time. These parameters suggest that it only makes sense for very high volume applications to continue on the shrink path to increase SoCs’ functionalities.… Read More