Making AI Silicon Smart with PVT Monitoring

Making AI Silicon Smart with PVT Monitoring
by Tom Simon on 11-26-2018 at 7:00 am

PVT – depending on what field you are in those three letters may mean totally different things. In my undergraduate field of study, chemistry, PVT meant Pressure, Volume & Temperature. Many of you probably remember PV=nRT, the dreaded ideal gas law. However, anybody working in semiconductors knows that PVT stands … Read More

A Smart Way for Chips to Deal with PVT Issues

A Smart Way for Chips to Deal with PVT Issues
by Tom Simon on 10-30-2018 at 7:00 am

We have all become so used to ‘smart’ things that perhaps in a way we have forgotten what it was like before many of the things we use day to day had sensors and microprocessors to help them respond to their environment. Cars are an excellent example. It used to be commonplace to run down your battery by leaving your lights on. Now cars … Read More