What’s Behind Carbon System Exchange – How Will it Scale?

What’s Behind Carbon System Exchange – How Will it Scale?
by Pawan Fangaria on 10-01-2014 at 4:00 pm

Earlier this year, when I was looking at Carbon’spast year performance which provided record breaking revenue with whopping jump in bookings, one thing was certain that Carbon Performance Analysis Kits (CPAKs) would drive major growth in future, not only for Carbon, but also for the semiconductor industry. It will initiate … Read More

Virtual Prototype your SoC including Arteris FlexNoC and optimize architecture using CPAK from Carbon

Virtual Prototype your SoC including Arteris FlexNoC and optimize architecture using CPAK from Carbon
by Eric Esteve on 09-21-2012 at 7:37 am

I have talked about Virtual Prototyping a SoC including FlexNoC Network on Chip IP from Arteris by using Carbon Design Systems set of tools in a previous post. A blog, posted on Carbon’ web, is clearly explaining the process to follow to optimize a fabric (FlexNoC) successively using the different tools from Carbon. Bill Neifert,… Read More