Podcast EP182: The Alphacore/Quantum Leap Solutions Collaboration Explained, with Ken Potts and Mike Ingster

Podcast EP182: The Alphacore/Quantum Leap Solutions Collaboration Explained, with Ken Potts and Mike Ingster
by Daniel Nenni on 09-15-2023 at 10:00 am

Dan is joined by Mike Ingster from Quantum Leap Solutions (QLS) and Ken Potts from Alphacore. Mike and Ken explain how QLS and Alphacore collaborate to provide industry-leading IP and system solutions to their mutual customers. The markets served by both QLS and Alphacore are discussed and the synergies are explained in this informative… Read More

Podcast EP79: Alphacore’s Capabilities and Growth Plans with Ken Potts

Podcast EP79: Alphacore’s Capabilities and Growth Plans with Ken Potts
by Daniel Nenni on 05-13-2022 at 10:00 am

Dan is joined by Ken Potts, Alphacore’s Chief Operating Officer. Ken has over 30 years of successful entrepreneurship in both Fortune 100 as well as emerging technology companies. Ken has held numerous executive and operational leadership roles in semiconductor products, semiconductor IP, and electronic design automation.… Read More

High-speed, low-power, Hybrid ADC at IP-SoC

High-speed, low-power, Hybrid ADC at IP-SoC
by Daniel Payne on 05-10-2022 at 10:00 am

hybrid adc min

Andrew Levy and I both worked at Intel and Opmaxx, and I knew that he was now working at Alphacore, an IP company specializing in mixed-signal, RF, imaging and rad-hard applications. I was curious what Alphacore was up to, so at the IP-SoC Silicon Valley 2022 event I watched the ADC presentation from Ken Potts, COO of Alphacore. Mr.… Read More