Applied Materials at the 2024 Design Automation Conference

Applied Materials at the 2024 Design Automation Conference
by Daniel Nenni on 06-18-2024 at 4:00 pm

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What is Applied Materials doing in an EDA trade show?
New semiconductor market segments such as AI, automotive and connected devices are growing at an accelerated pace and placing constant increased pressures on the PPAC (power, performance, area, cost) system requirements. In the past, these growing PPAC demands were addressed… Read More

DRC is all About the Runset

DRC is all About the Runset
by Daniel Nenni on 06-11-2018 at 7:01 am

EDA companies advertise their physical verification tools, aka DRC (Design Rule Check), mostly in terms of specific engine qualities such as capacity, performance and scalability. But they do not address an equally if not more important aspect: the correctness of the actual design rules.

Put bluntly: It’s not about howRead More