Crypto Key Exchange …like taking candy from a digital baby

Crypto Key Exchange …like taking candy from a digital baby
by Bill Montgomery on 01-31-2016 at 4:00 pm

For those among you who have read my previous SemiWiki articles, you will no doubt see a theme: the security of our connected world is badly broken, and for the bad guys, violating our online lives – both business and personal – is as easy as taking candy from the proverbial baby.… Read More

Getting up close and personal with symmetric session key exchange

Getting up close and personal with symmetric session key exchange
by Bill Boldt on 12-03-2014 at 2:00 am


In today’s world, the three pillars of security are confidentiality, integrity (of the data), and authentication (i.e. “C.I.A.”). Fortunately, Atmel CryptoAuthentication crypto engines with secure key storage can be used in systems to provide all three of these.

Focusing on the confidentiality pillar, in a symmetric system… Read More

ECDH Key Exchange is Practical Magic

ECDH Key Exchange is Practical Magic
by Bill Boldt on 10-28-2014 at 7:00 pm


What if you and I want to exchange encrypted messages? It seems like something that will increasingly be desired given all the NSA/Snowden revelations and all the other snooping shenanigans. The joke going around is that the motto of the NSA is really “Yes We Scan,” which sort of sums it up.

Encryption is essentially scrambling a
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