Design Stage Verification Gives a Boost for IP Designers

Design Stage Verification Gives a Boost for IP Designers
by Mike Gianfagna on 04-25-2024 at 6:00 am

Design Stage Verification Gives a Boost for IP Designers

The concept of shift left is getting to be quite well-known. The strategy involves integrating various checks typically performed later in the design process into earlier stages. The main benefit is to catch and correct defects or errors at an earlier stage when it’s easier and faster to address. For complex SoC design, … Read More

What’s New With Calibre at DAC This Year?

What’s New With Calibre at DAC This Year?
by Daniel Payne on 07-12-2022 at 9:00 am

whats changed min

When I worked at EDA vendors and attended DAC, one of the most popular questions asked in the booth and suites was simply, “What’s new this year?” It’s a fair question, and yet many semiconductor professionals are so focused on their present project, using their familiar methodology, that they simply… Read More