Alchip is Painting a Bright Future for the ASIC Market

Alchip is Painting a Bright Future for the ASIC Market
by Mike Gianfagna on 06-17-2021 at 10:00 am

Alchip is Painting a Bright Future for the ASIC Market

I’ve spent most of my career in the ASIC business. In 2003, Gartner predicted the ASIC market would grow to $16.9B. During that time, there were a number of startups building ASICs, but the applications were a bit specialized and aimed at new markets. Consequently, there was a lot of risk to build a chip startup and many ASICs either… Read More

Designing Smarter, not Smaller AI Chips with GLOBALFOUNDRIES

Designing Smarter, not Smaller AI Chips with GLOBALFOUNDRIES
by Mike Gianfagna on 11-02-2020 at 6:00 am

Designing Smarter not Smaller AI Chips with GLOBLFOUNDRIES

On October 20 at the Linley Fall Processor Conference, GLOBALFOUNDRIES made a compelling case for designing smarter, not smaller AI chips. The virtual conference was filled with presentations on the latest architectures and chips for all types of AI/ML applications. It was therefore a refreshing change of pace to hear the fab… Read More