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Non-engineer-staffed IEEE-USA sells out US electrical engineering jobs

There is rarely a shortage of people with paper accreditation. That is true.

But there is a shortage of experienced capable engineers in nearly every specialism that I have ever worked in (and I have worked in a few).
That too is true - and internationally.
In my experience the "nearly" applies only to areas of work where dominant companies were undergoing massive restructuring.

So far as I can see, it remains true even if you don't require any relevant experience - but merely require at interview that candidates still understand the parts of their former activities (or degree courses if new grads) that correspond to their claimed "interests". Based on this criterion, I have barely found a few percent of applicants to be employable; and if you require anything other than technical competence as well...
IEEE lacks the leadership, it comes from the top. And, this is nothing new.

"Members" vs. "Industry" was discussed few years ago when I was involved and what I understood was that "members" lost and "industry" won again.

This is nothing new.
Posted by Ahmad
I dont think there is much pay difference between a immigrant and a citizen. If you talk about demand-supply , I dont think the average slaaries are going down. I work in ASIC physical design and most of my friends are making 100k + . I feel the writer is just an insecure person having a mid life crisis. One of the main reasons the economy of USA has grown is because of "foreign brains" staying back. Just look at the number of indians and Asians in any semi company.

The only valid point is that - IEEE is a tech organisation. It should not be poking its nose in immigration policy matters.. But neither should a "senior member" take the opportunity to rant about his job insecurity.
