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EDA Clearing Clouds or Cloudy Computing?

Great discussion with very salient points.

I really believe in Community Clouds - the benefits to endusers are plain to see, although they are cloudier (pardon the pun) for EDA vendors. The technology is reasonably mature but the business models and the licensing mechanisms aren't quite ready yet.
It's good to see Synopsys and Cadence dipping their toes in the water - trying to address the question of whether EDA software in the cloud will cannibalize their existing revenue streams.

Scott's comments make sense in that a cloud approach may not necessarily lead to a cost reduction in the traditional IT resourcing sense. Greater efficiency through an online ecosystem, scalability both for vendors and endusers (reduced time to market, ease of support etc.) should be the main benefits.
it made sense to just do it and engineers adapted.


I am curious if you could expand on that a little. Did you implement this way and were successful, or were you saying that is how you think it should be done? If you implemented this way, I would be curious to hear details of your implementation and the successful adoption by the engineers...
