Supporting Interoperability and Standards for the EDA and Chip Design Communities Synopsys is excited to be hosting the EDA Interoperability Forum for the 24th time! Over the years at this seminal event, many industry luminaries have shared their thoughts on the challenges and opportunities in the chip design and EDA communities, laid out their predictions for the future, and discussed how important interoperability is for the ecosystem. These keynote speeches have resonated with our enthusiastic audience of designers, partners, and customers.
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Wednesday, November 30, 2011
9:30AM - 2:00PM
Registration starts at 9:00AM
Synopsys Headquarters
Building 2
455 N Mary Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA 94085
Register Now

We have an outstanding speaker lineup this year!
This year several of our keynote "alumni" will discuss discuss important interoperability issues and share their visions for how we can tackle the challenges and opportunities ahead.
Join us to listen to industry luminaries discuss key interoperability issues:
Register Now
Continental breakfast and hot lunch will be provided.
The first 10 attendees will receive a Starbucks gift card.
There will be a prize drawing at the end of the program.
Karen Bartleson’s books, "The Ten Commandments for Effective Standards" and "#Standards Tweet" will be provided to the first 100 attendees.
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Wednesday, November 30, 2011
9:30AM - 2:00PM
Registration starts at 9:00AM
Synopsys Headquarters
Building 2
455 N Mary Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA 94085
Register Now

We have an outstanding speaker lineup this year!
This year several of our keynote "alumni" will discuss discuss important interoperability issues and share their visions for how we can tackle the challenges and opportunities ahead.
Join us to listen to industry luminaries discuss key interoperability issues:
- Shay Gal-On — Director of Software Engineering, EEMBC
Multicore Technology: To Infinity and Beyond in Complexity - John Goodenough — Vice-President of Design Technology and Automation, ARM
- Jim Hogan — Private Investor
The Sequel: A Fistful of Dollars - Michael Keating — Synopsys Fellow (retired) and Author of "The Low Power Methodology Manual"
Low Power Update: Treading Water in a Rising Flood - Philippe Magarshack — Central R&D Group VP, STMicroelectronics
EDA Standards over the Past 10 Years : The View from SOC Designers - Shishpal Rawat — Chair, Accellera
Evolution of Standards Organizations: 2025 and Beyond - Mark Templeton — President, Scientific Ventures, LLC
Survival of the Fittest and the DNA of Interoperability
Register Now
Continental breakfast and hot lunch will be provided.
The first 10 attendees will receive a Starbucks gift card.
There will be a prize drawing at the end of the program.
Karen Bartleson’s books, "The Ten Commandments for Effective Standards" and "#Standards Tweet" will be provided to the first 100 attendees.
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