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Search results

  1. M

    Meta's first bespoke AI chips

    I do not think so. But the whole world thinks differently.
  2. M

    Meta's first bespoke AI chips

    You can read about that in the cited article: "Meta describes the chip as being tuned for one particular type of AI program: deep learning recommendation models. These are programs that can look at a pattern of activity, such as clicking on posts on a social network, and predict related...
  3. M

    Morris Chang - China is 5 years behind. TSMC's real competitor is South Korea

    I think that's true, but the question is - why was that not a problem in 1960-80s, and became a problem in 1990-s and later? Also - is there less hierarchy and seniority in Chinese / Korean / Taiwanese cultures vs Japanese?
  4. M

    Morris Chang - China is 5 years behind. TSMC's real competitor is South Korea

    An interesting question is why Japan is not in this group (any more) of cultures that are favorable for semiconductor manufacturing.
  5. M

    Morris Chang - China is 5 years behind. TSMC's real competitor is South Korea

    Daniel, you did no finish your comparison (of cultural differences). While engineers/employees are considered rock stars in Taiwan - how are they viewed in the US, in your opinion? As expendables, as small replaceable cogs in a big machine?
  6. M

    Man has become a Cancer on the Planet, The Challenge

    Arthur, I have similar thoughts, on the reaction of the planet on human activities, along the lines of a general principle in physics and chemistry, called Le Chatelier's principle - if a system in equilibrium is subject to a change (volume , temperature, etc.), it moves to a new equilibrium...