Webinar: Digital Testing and Validation of Additively Manufactured Vehicle Parts


Additive Manufacturing (AM) adoption within the automotive industry has rapidly increased in the past few decades. Growing demand for sustainable fuels and electric mobility have been some of the drivers for rapid AM adoption. These technologies can improve efficiency and significantly reduce mass. Automotive companies have found multiple applications, including prototypes, tooling, and parts with …

Webinar: Accelerate Digital Engineering and MBSE – Satellite Imaging Demo


Join us for an insightful webinar where we dive deeper into how Ansys STK, ModelCenter and the Systems Architect Model (SAM) revolutionize digital engineering and MBSE practices. Discover how these powerful tools can significantly reduce design time and optimize tradeoffs. TIME: JUNE 14, 2024 11 A.M. EDT Venue: Virtual Overview Join us for an insightful …

Webinar: Multiphysics Simulation of Challenges in 3D IC and Chiplet Designs


Multiple Sessions - All English Language: 14:00 JST (APAC) 10:00 EDT, 16:00 CET (AMER and EUR) Stacking multiple dies with 3D ICs offer enhanced functionality, reduced form factor, and improved interconnect density. However, these advancements come with several challenges, including thermal management issues. Multiphysics suites from Altair assist designers in optimizing thermal management strategies and …

Webinar: Introductory Teaching of Antenna Design with Ansys HFSS


Helping students understand the underlying physics that connects antenna performance, array implementation, and prediction of its behavior is featured in this upcoming webinar on Ansys Electronics Desktop. TIME: JUNE 18, 2024 11 AM EDT / 5 PM CEST / 8:30 PM IST Venue: Virtual Overview Electromagnetic phenomena in antennas are often at the core of …

Webinar: Introductory Teaching of Antenna Design with Ansys HFSS


Helping students understand the underlying physics that connects antenna performance, array implementation, and prediction of its behavior is featured in this upcoming webinar on Ansys Electronics Desktop. TIME: JUNE 18, 2024 11 AM EDT / 5 PM CEST / 8:30 PM IST Venue: Virtual Overview Electromagnetic phenomena in antennas are often at the core of …

Webinar: Solve EM Fields and Forces in PCBs for Consumer Electronics


This webinar will demonstrate how Ansys tools can improve PCB designs for higher performance and reliability. Ansys Maxwell simulates low-frequency (LF) EM fields to identify potential EMI/EMC issues for shielding and grounding purposes. Engineers can also predict electric currents distributed throughout the PCB power traces and study the EM forces generated by the magnetic field …

Webinar: Redefining Security – The challenges of implementing Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC)


While PQC implementation is not yet mandatory, organizations must plan the integration of cryptographic algorithms to anticipate the considerable time investment required for design, development, and certification. In this webinar we will delve into the imminent transition to Post-Quantum Cryptography, exploring the industrial challenges and the imperative need for proactive adoption. Attendees will gain insights …

Webinar: Accelerating delivery with model-based software architecture & testing for AUTOSAR Classic


Summary Join us for this webinar to see a real-life demo of a tool environment that accelerates creation, implementation, and test of AUTOSAR software components. Just focus on the creative part of designing intelligent solutions and leverage the automation capabilities of the tool chain. We are starting with the system model introduced in the first …

Webinar: Optimizing Generative AI with Vector Databases: What, Why, and How


Vector databases have emerged as the preferred option for customizing generative AI and making it more trustworthy. Both dedicated vector DBs and vector-enabled DB suites deliver companies’ domain-specific data–most often text or imagery–to large language models. They help fine-tune models and enrich user prompts via retrieval-augmented generation (RAG). These use cases enable companies to customize …

Webinar: Model-based software engineering for the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform


Summary Join us for this webinar to see a real-life demo of an engineering flow and a tool environment that accelerates creation, implementation, and test of AUTOSAR Adaptive software components. Focus on the creative part of designing intelligent solutions and leverage the automation capabilities of the tool chain. Starting with a AUTOSAR Adaptive Software Architecture, …

Webinar: Electrical Rules Checking – How to Reduce Thousands of False Errors in 15 Minutes Using OneCheck Smart Clustering


Analyzing electrical errors across an IP or a SoC at top level, can be a painful and long process, often requiring extensive setup time and hundred of hours to distinguish real issues from false positives. To address this challenge, Aniah developed OneCheck, a formal analysis tool capable of detecting 100% of electrical errors at the …