Webinar: Model-based software engineering for the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform


Summary Join us for this webinar to see a real-life demo of an engineering flow and a tool environment that accelerates creation, implementation, and test of AUTOSAR Adaptive software components. Focus on the creative part of designing intelligent solutions and leverage the automation capabilities of the tool chain. Starting with a AUTOSAR Adaptive Software Architecture, …

Webinar: Digital Twin for Multi-physics Systems – How to Verify and Optimize Performance at the Overall Product Level


Ensuring reliable performance of products in the field requires verification and validation at the system level. This means considering the complex interaction of different physics between systems and sub-systems. In this webinar, you will learn about purpose-driven digital twins that can: Optimize performance at the system level Co-simulate models benefitting from switchable, purpose-driven modeling fidelity …

Webinar: Chip-Level Electromagnetic Crosstalk Signoff Using EMX Solver


Description Today’s wireless and high-speed chip designs integrate an incredible amount of functionality on very small silicon real estate. Such integration requires optimization from the early stages of the design to post-layout vs. schematic (LVS) signoff. Increasingly complex designs and advanced process nodes test the limits of electromagnetic (EM) solvers in terms of modeling capacity …