Masterclass: Deploying Solido Design Environment AI Workflows on AWS


Utilizing AWS cloud resources to accelerate variation-aware verification   AI-powered Solido Design Environment provides SPICE-accurate variation-aware verification for 3, 4, 5, 6 and higher sigma targets, orders of magnitude faster than traditional brute-force methods. With cloud computing made more accessible than before, many teams are considering running design and verification workloads, including Solido Design Environment, on …

Webinar: Accelerate time to success using smart methods for DFT chip architecture and validation


Combining market-leading design-for-test (DFT) technologies with best-in-class netlist synthesis allows you to achieve DFT success more quickly. Many customers, including those for emulation and IC test, have challenges with scaling architectures. This webinar describes how Siemens emulation and silicon test solutions can work together to provide a smart DFT plug-and-play architecture for Veloce ICs. The …