Webinar: Guiding your aerospace electrical journey


Aerospace electrical/electronic (EE) design requires a delicate balance between innovative technology and uncompromising reliability. Meanwhile, the pressure to get products to market faster is growing exponentially. Finding ways to design electrical systems quickly, cost-effectively and efficiently has become a central focus of manufacturers. Siemens has the solutions and partnerships to guide the development of best-in-class …

Masterclass: Deploying Solido Design Environment AI Workflows on AWS


Utilizing AWS cloud resources to accelerate variation-aware verification   AI-powered Solido Design Environment provides SPICE-accurate variation-aware verification for 3, 4, 5, 6 and higher sigma targets, orders of magnitude faster than traditional brute-force methods. With cloud computing made more accessible than before, many teams are considering running design and verification workloads, including Solido Design Environment, on …