Latch-Up 2023

University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Friday, March 31 to Sunday, April 2, 2023 in Santa Barbara, California, at University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) About The FOSSi Foundation is proud to announce Latch-Up, a conference dedicated to free and open source silicon to be held over the weekend of Friday, March 31 to Sunday, April 2, 2023 in Santa Barbara, California, USA. (Venue details) Latch-Up is …

Latch-Up 2024: Boston

Boston, MA Boston, MA, United States

The Latch-Up conference is a weekend of presentations and networking dedicated to free and open source silicon. It's an event for the open source digital design community, much like its European sister conference ORConf, run by the FOSSi Foundation. You are all invited! The FOSSi Foundation is proud to announce Latch-Up, a conference dedicated to …