CadenceCONNECT Custom IC Day: Grenoble, Graz, Bracknell

Grenoble, Graz, Bracknell

Gear Up for Design Excellence with Cadence Virtuoso Applying the full power of Cadence’s leading technology platform for rapid, robust custom IC design The Cadence Virtuoso® and Spectre® platforms are the foundation of custom and mixed-signal IC design. Through integrated flows, the broadest foundry support, and compelling algorithms, Cadence amplifies the creativity of designers. Cadence has …

Club Formal Europe 2022

Grenoble, France

Overview Are you ready to learn and share your ideas about the latest formal verification best practices? Don’t miss this chance to extend your verification expertise and learn about the latest advances in the field. Hear from members of the Cadence® Jasper™ experts' team about the technology roadmap. These talks will add tremendous value with …

Leti Innovation Days

Grenoble, France

Why you should attend The semiconductor industry is at the center of the technological advances transforming society. It is an exciting time rich with opportunities to make a positive impact on your future products and tomorrow’s world. Join global semiconductor-industry executives, opinion leaders, and decision makers in redefining what it means to develop fair, sustainable, …

Club Formal Europe 2023: France

Grenoble, France

Overview Are you ready to learn and share your ideas about the latest formal verification best practices? We are pleased to invite you to one of our in-person sessions to extend your verification expertise and learn about the latest advances in the field. Hear from members of the Cadence Jasper expert team about the technology …