Increase Your Debug Efficiency Using a Modern Debug Environment

Register For This Web Seminar Online - Jun 3, 2020 14:00 - 15:00 Europe/Berlin Register Overview Complex testing and methodology with complex silicon require powerful but simple to use debug solutions. The Visualizer Debug Environment provides a common debug solution for simulation, emulation and other engines, including Verilog, VHDL, UVM, SystemC, C/C++, Assertions and Coverage. …

Improve your Debug Productivity

With today’s more complex designs, we tend to see a growing productivity gap between design and verification, so we need to maximize the reusability of your verification environment, improve the automation, raise the level of abstraction… but we need higher performance, context-aware debug supporting the complete logic verification flow During this session, we will cover …

AI-Driven Verification: Saving Time with Verdi Regression Debug Automation


Synopsys Webinar | Wednesday, July 27, 2022 | 10:00 a.m. Pacific Analyzing the thousands of failures from daily regression runs is a manual, tedious, and error-prone process. The process can significantly impact quality-of-results, time-to-results and cost-of-results. The Synopsys Verdi® Regression Debug Automation (RDA) is an artificial intelligence (AI) driven verification technology for automating the process …