Webinar: Exploring the Advancement of Chiplet Technology and the Ecosystem


Semiconductor companies are making transistors smaller and cramming more into chips to meet the demands of today’s high-tech industries and applications. In fact, in a recent article from the Financial Times, technology industry consultants McKinsey forecast that semiconductors will become a trillion-dollar industry by the end of this decade. Even with this massive growth, manufacturers recognize the …

Synopsys & AMD Webinar – Final Frontier: The Next Generation of 3DIC Interposer/InFO Design


In recent years, the semiconductor industry has experienced a breakthrough in the onset of 2.5D and 3D chiplet-based products. These products promise to extend the limits of Moore’s Law while demolishing limitations on speed and capacity for our highest tiers of compute. But for all the adulation we heap upon the 3DIC paradigm, we seemingly …